Nigeria Check Fraud Scams | ||||||||||||| |
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I LOVE these guys! I am an avid seller on the local site and almost always have something for sale. I am also constantly bombarded with misspelled emails from scammers ln Africa. The latest one is from some dingleberry in "London" who wanted to buy my dune buggy for $4000 more than I was asking for it. Again, I LOVE these folks! Now it was time to have FUN! I agreed to the offer of $11,900 and eagerly awaited his instructions. The following day I received his email " Dear Mailto:" (My name is Doug, not mailto). So after hearing that I would get an extra $400 for my "Time and trouble" I should wire the remaining money to his "Shipping Agent" in Florida. I was ecstatic! $400 for my time and trouble! I couldn't have been happier. I was instructed to wire the money Western Union using the information he had given me. Now the real fun begins….. I told him I cashed the check and had the cash in my pocket. Later I advised him that I accidentally gave Western Union the wrong test question and answer, and now it was Saturday at 5 pm, so I would have to wait until Monday (I'm rolling on the floor now!) to wire it to him! He states I could give him the different question and answer off my receipt, but I told him I tossed the receipt in the trash back in town and that I didn't remember it but that the money was given to Western union. He was furious! His next email states that I need to be careful with that amount of money, and that he needed it for the "Shipping Agent" to make preparations. I then made another offer… I told him I was in Georgia and that I would be glad to meet the "shipper" in person in Florida, that it was only a 3 hour drive there. Then I could deliver the car to the "shipper" personally, pay "him" and fly back home with the $400 he gave me for my time! What a great idea! Next comes his email. Now it is Monday, and Western Union is open. Yea! He said that I should do exactly as he instructed, that any other way might cause something to happen. (He did not say what) He gladly informed me that there were scams on the internet and that I should wire the "Shipper" the money immediately , that I could get a refund of the mis-wired $3600 I "sent" him earlier. I replied with a simple "No." Nothing else. He's more furious! In all capital letters he explains he has people here in the states that will come over and "Talk" to me if I don't get "His" money wired to the "Shipper". He does not want to lose his money. I again replied with a simple "No." He then tells me he knows the Georgia Lawyer General (Georgia Attorney General) and that he would have me arrested. OOOHHH I'm SCARED now! Now here comes the final blow:……. I tell him that I have changed my mind, I did not cash the check, and everything including his IP address were sent to the US Secret Service. (He could really care less) But to make matters worse, I told him I have a few "Friends" in Nigeria and would send them to see him. I told him I was aware of the scam from the beginning and that I loved to see him invest his money into the cyber café computer he rented by the hour and to the UPS Next Day Air (about $35). I am rolling on the floor again! I don't hear from him for a week. Then I get the bad news; he has contacted the "Bureau Georgia Solicitor General" and filed a "Warrant" for my arrest for fraud. At this point I can't resist and tell him really had fun with him! Bottom line, a cashiers check WILL clear the bank if you have good credit with them. They do this as a courtesy to you. But all it takes is one scam, and your credit could be harmed for the next 7 years. Please don't fall for these scams. Just have a little fun with them like I did.
If You Have A Story To Tell On A Scam Attempt Or Actual Scam Please Email To And It Will Be Posted Here. Warning: Beware of email scams It is highly recommended that you only deal with local buyers and sellers. Avoid dealing with buyers outside of the country especially those from Nigeria and those individuals who say that they represent a buyer from a foreign country. Click on the above link for more information.
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