Beginning month At 201 lbs and 23.5% body fat. I have lost 59
lbs up to this point.
Week Ending June 2nd, 2007
Off / To sore to run after working 12 plus hours and little sleep.
Monday: 4 Miles
Lou Cox Memorial 5K Dayton, Ohio 21:51
Tuesday: 6 Miles Road / Ran a new
road course later in the evening to avoid the heat. It was
still 85° and humid. I ran a
fairly easy pace of 8:30.
Wednesday: 8.2 Miles Road and Trails /
Ran 2.6 miles to twin creek were I ran the 3 mile trail loop.
I then struggled the last 2.6 miles home. I say struggled
because the 87° heat really hit me
today. I didn't think I was going to make it but I did.
I ended with a 10:05 overall pace.
Thursday: 4 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / 8:00 pace
Friday: 6 1/4 miles including a
evening 5k. 5 For The Kids Dayton, Ohio.
Date: June 1st, 2007 7:00 p.m.
Event: 5 For The Kids 5K
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Time: 22:47 / 1:13 slower than PR
Overall Place: 15th / 192
Age Group 40-44 5th
Splits: 6:36, 7:27, 7:58 :45
The course should have been very fast: however, the heat really
slowed me down. It was somewhere around 90°.
I was ok for the first half and was on track for a PR. I
slowed down and grabbed a cup of water somewhere around the half way
point, which is rare for me in a 5k. I reached the 2 mile
marker in 14:00 and thought I had a chance of staying under 22:00,
but the heat just got the better of me. I struggled over the
last mile and wondered if I was going to make it. I was passed
by 4 runners over the last mile including one in my age group.
I noticed most of the times were slower including the winner who
barely ran under 18:00. The winner was Jason Bowles who
ran a 17:01 at one of my races a few weeks ago.
Total miles for the week: 29
Weight: 201 lbs 23.5% fat.
The heat this week reduced my mileage. 2 days off did not help
either. Hopefully I can get in 40 miles next week and get
under 200 lbs for the first time in 6 years.
Week Ending June 9th, 2007
Sunday: Troy Strawberry Festival
10K Results Below / Weight Today 212 lbs
Monday: 10k Trails Sugarcreek Metro
Park Bellbrook, Ohio / ran the same course as Wednesdays race.
Ran a fairly easy 9:07 pace. The temperature was in the low
70's which is a big change from the last few weeks. This
course is not anywhere near as tough as the other races in the
series. It should be fairly fast. / Weight
today 206 lbs
Tuesday: 4 1/2 Miles Treadmill 1%
incline / Ran easy at a 8:34 pace / Trail race tomorrow.
Wednesday: Sugar
Creek Trail 10K race Results Below
Thursday: 6 1/2 Miles Treadmill 1% incline
/ Ran easy at a 8:34 pace
4 1/4 Miles Treadmill 1% incline / Ran easy at a 8:34 pace
Weight 204 lbs
Valley View Bus Drivers 5K, Farmersville, Ohio Results Below
Date: June 3rd, 2007
Event: Strawberry Festival 10k
Location: Troy, Ohio
Time: 47:39 / 1st road 10k of the year
Overall Place: 110th
Age Group 1st Clydesdale over 210 lbs /
I was at 212 lbs before the race.
Splits: 7:13, 7:24, 8:00, 7:47, 8:05, 7:43, 1:25
Another hot and humid race. I wanted to run fairly comfortable
and did not want to really push the pace to hard. I was hoping
to run around 7:45 per mile. The first mile was a little
faster than I wanted, but I felt ok. This is the race that I
injured my knee in 2001 so I was a little nervous about running too
fast. In 2001 I finished 3rd in the Clydesdale division with a
time of 45:50; however the weather was cool with rain. This
was my first road 10k of the year and I was happy with the results.
The top Male ran the course in 32 minutes.
Date: June 6th, 2007
Event: Trail Series 10k
Location: Sugarcreek Metro Park Bellbrook, Ohio
Time: 50:27 PR for Trail 10K
Overall Place: 51
Age Group 7
Splits: 6:54, 8:14,8:26, :50, 8:08, 8:59, 8:04,
Race conditions were good with temperature in the 70's. I
decided at the last minute to run the 10k instead of my normal 5k
distance. The course started really fast and downhill for the
first mile. I should have tried to stay above 7:30, but that
didn't work our. I paid for it in the hills during the 2nd and
3rd miles. I ended the first half around a minute faster than
my previous trail 5k. I couldn't slow down much for the 4th
mile because it was downhill. I really struggled thru the
hills during the 2nd half and barely ran under 9 minutes for the 5th
mile. At mile 5 I was passed by someone in my age group who
quickly moved ahead of me by 100 yards. With 3/4 miles left I
decided that I was going to at least catch him. I don't know
were it came from but I dug deep and not only caught him, but beat
him by a substantial margin. The last half mile was probably
the fastest of the race and I even managed to run 8:04 for the last
mile. I would put this race at the top of all 2007 performances.
Date: June 9th, 2007
Event: Valley View Bus Drivers 5K
Location: Farmersville, Ohio
Time: 22:20 / Hills and wind slowed time.
Overall Place: 3rd Race
Age Group 2nd
Splits: 10:42 / 11:38
This was a good performance, probably my best 5k effort even though
the time was slower than my PR by a minute. The course started
with a 100 meter hill, but then from there it was mainly downhill
and flat for the next mile. I don't know what the mile split
was, but it was probably one of my faster first miles. The
next half mile to the half way point was mainly uphill and slow.
I still managed to reach the half way point on track with my PR.
The next mile was flat but into the wind. I think I was still
on track for a PR around 2 1/4 miles, but then the hardest
part of the course arrived. The last 1/2 mile was uphill and
pretty steep. I slowed down to almost a jog and probably ran
the last 1/2 mile around 5 minutes. I stayed with the leader
for the first mile before I started to fall back a little. I
was passed by the 2nd place runner close to the turnaround hill.
The leader beat me by 58 seconds and the second place finisher built
up a 30 second lead over me. The 2nd place winner actually
beat me by 36 seconds in the spring fling race a few weeks ago.
From talking with other runners it seemed that we were all at least
a minute slow.
Total miles for the week: 42 1/2
Weight: 204 lbs 24% fat.
Weight and body fat were up this week. I will try to get in
some longer runs next week and hopefully lose some more lbs.
Week Ending June 16th, 2007
Goal this week is to get in at
least 50 miles with one long run of at least 10 miles. I will
be working a festival starting Wednesday of next week and will
probably have very low mileage.
Sunday: 10
miles / Ran the first 6.5 miles on the treadmill at 8:00 per
mile. I got very bored and ran out the door and finished with
a 3.5 mile road run. It actually felt alot cooler running
outside today and motivated me to finish with my longest run since
2001. I don't know what my pace was on the road, but I would
guess that it was around 9:00. I had plenty of energy today
and needed to burn off all of the extra calories from God Father's
Pizza last night and a hearty lunch that my mother in-law prepared
today. / weight was 206 lbs today
Monday: 9.5
miles / 6.5 miles on the treadmill at 8:34 per mile. 1 hour
later I ran the 3 mile Germantown Bike Path with my daughter who
rode her bike (8:43 Pace). I felt surprisingly good even
better than yesterday. Weight today was 203 lbs and body fat was
Tuesday: 4 1/2 Miles Treadmill 1% incline /
Ran easy at a 8:34 pace
22nd Annual Summer Series YMCA 2.5 Mile Race Results Below
Thursday: Did Not Run Today
Camping and Fishing Trip
Camping and Fishing Trip DNR
Saturday: No energy tired from my
camping trip.
Date: June 13th, 2007
Event: 22nd Annual Summer Series YMCA 2.5 Mile
Location: Smith Park Middletown, Ohio
Time: 16:36 / Temperature was above 95f
Overall Place: 3rd
Age Group 1st
Pace:6:38 PR pace for all distances above 2.5 miles
Splits: 6:23, 6:51, 3.22 lost a few seconds at
the turn around water stop in the 2nd mile.
This was a good performance despite the heat. I set a PR for 1
Mile and 2 Miles and probably would have set a PR for the 5K getting
under 21:00. I was 27 seconds faster at the 2 mile point than
my PR 5k. If the pace would have held up for an additional 1/2
mile I would have been around 20:35 for the 5k. I was alot
closer to a runner who normally beats me by1-2 minutes in the 5k
distance. The course was fast and flat; however, the
temperature and wind slowed us all down a little. I think I am
capable of a 20:30 5k if the temperature and course are just right.
I should be well under 20:00 by Fall.
Total miles for the week: 27 1/2
Weight: 203 lbs 23% fat.
3 days off this week.
Week Ending June 23rd, 2007
Sunday: 4.5
miles road / Ran easy 9:31 pace. I had very little energy
Monday: 8.75 Miles Road / Very good run
despite 95f heat and high humidity. I started at a good 8:30
pace for the first 4 miles into the wind and then the heat hit me.
I ended with a 8:57 overall pace. Total time running was
1.18.21. Weight today 202 lbs body fat 23%
Tuesday: 3.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0%
incline / 8:00 Pace
Worked 18 hours today.
Thursday: 3.25 Miles easy road run
Friday: Worked very hard today.
Knees and legs very sore.
Saturday: Last day of working festival.
Knees very sore. Standing for 16 hours and bending over
constantly really has stressed my body physically.
Total miles for the week: 20
Weight: 202 lbs 23% fat.
3 days off this week.
A very tough week for running.
I probably will get even less mileage next week. I have one of
my biggest festivals of the year next weekend and will be spending
most of the week getting ready. My knees and legs were very
sore from working this week.
Week Ending June 30th, 2007
Sunday: Off
/ Pain behind my right knee. Will take a few days off.
Monday: Off
Tuesday: 5.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline / Knee felt great today. I even ran at a 7:30 pace
with no problem. The heat and humidity was very bad today.
/ Worked very hard getting trailer ready for festival. Need to
make sure I run Tomorrow, since It will be my last chance until next
Monday. Weight today was 203lbs and body fat was the lowest yet at
22.5% !! Hard to believe with all of the recent time off.
Thursday: 5.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline / Felt great
Off / Working City Folk Festival 16 hours.
Saturday: Off / City Folk Festival
Total miles for the week: 10 3/4
Weight: 203 lbs 22.5% fat.
5 days off this week.
Another tough week for running.
I should be back to normal with mileage next week.
107 miles for
the month / 798 miles for the year / gain of 2
lbs & a loss of 1% BF for the month
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