Beginning month At 208 lbs and 25% body fat. I have lost 52
lbs up to this point.
Week ending May 5th, 2007
4 Miles Twin Creek Course
/ Ran very easy today. Had no energy.
Monday: 10K Twin Creek Trail Course
/ Ran ok considering the heat. I was close to 90°
f with a very hot sun. I really struggled over the last
mile and was really dehydrated. I will probably need to start running early morning. /
63:27 / weight today was 208 lbs.
Tuesday: 9.3 Miles Trails / Ran
twice today because of the 90°
temperature. I ran the 4.1 mile Twin Creek Course at a 9:37
Pace and really struggled in the heat. 5 hours later I ran the
course again at a PR pace of 9:12. Even with it being my
second run and 85°
f, I still set a PR for the course. I also walked & jogged
the 1.1 mile trail with my daughter. My left knee has been a little
sore over the past few days. I may have to limit my running to
the treadmill for a little while. I have ran 46 miles in the
last 7 days, which I have not done since 1993. / 206 lbs
Wednesday: 6 Miles Trails / Felt good
for the first mile and ran the first 3 miles at a 9:10 pace, then I
ran out of energy. I had to walk and jog the last 3 miles.
At least I had a good 3 miles and it wasn't a total loss.
Thursday: 3.25 Road / Easy
day today in preparation for race Saturday. I ran on the road
for the first time in a while and felt good. I started slow
and picked up the pace until the last 1/4 mile. Miles were
9:16, 8:11, 7:41. I struggled to keep the pace slow and really
wanted to pick the pace up. I felt I could have run a 6:30 for the
last mile and know I could have run a PR for the distance. I
had good energy and don't really know what happened yesterday.
I think the heat, increased weight loss and mileage caught up to me.
Friday: Taking Today Off. Hopefully
I have A 22:30 5K in me tomorrow. Ended a good streak at 11
days for 67 miles. Should end the week with 33 miles.
4.1 Miles Derby Day Dash 5K in Dayton Ohio.
New Pr 22:36 details below.
Date: May 5th, 2007
Event: Derby Day Dash 5K
Location: Fifth Third Field Crawford Plaza Dayton Ohio
Time: 22.36 PR
Overall Place: 39th
Age Group (40-44) Place:5th
Pace: 7:16
Splits: 6:32, 7:39, 7:37, 48
My knees were a little sore (left one especially) during my one mile
warm up but felt good once the race started. I cut 36 seconds off
previous best. The course was fairly flat and fast. I pushed
the pace with my fastest mile in years. The first mile was slightly
uphill and I still managed a 6:32 mile I felt really good for
the first half and then overheated. The temp was about 70° f
but it was humid. I really struggled for the last mile but
held on. My weight today at the start of the race was 218lbs,
which was 12 lbs heavier that were I was on Tuesday due to easier
running and increased calorie intake. I think next race I will
take a different approach and skip the carb and fluid loading and
try to run lighter. This was a really fun race with alot of
entertainment and races for the kids. My daughter ran her
first 1/4 mile race today. It would have been a good race to
watch as a spectator. The top two men were separated by 19
seconds with a winning time of 16:14 (David
Johnston). There were 3 women in
the top ten with the winning time of 17:17 and 3rd overall.
The top master ran a time of 18:57. There were 299 runners in
the race.
Total miles for the week: 33 miles
Weight: 206 lbs 25% fat
Felt low on energy most of the week.
My knees have been bothering me for 2 weeks now especially on the
hills. I think it is "Runners Knee". It's primarily my
left knee below the knee cap. It is a slight discomfort but
not really painfull. it seems only to bother me when standing
up, squatting and fast down hills. It does not bother me when
walking or running after warming up. I will try to keep off
the hills and run a little easier and see if it helps. I would
hate to have to stop running now that I have made great progress.
Week ending May 12th, 2007
8.6 Miles Twin Creek / Felt unbelievably good today and did
not want to stop running. I wanted to run another 3 miles but
time did not permit it. My energy was great today. It
was one of those runs were you feel in the zone and think you could
run forever. I ran the trails at a 9:30 pace and felt
really comfortable. My knee was a little sore on the down
hills so I ran the down hills easy.
Monday: 10K Twin Creek Trail Course
/ On pace for PR first 3 1/2 miles, then I hit the easy part of
the course, which is the last 2 1/2 miles mostly down hill. My
left knee was feeling great until I hit the downhill part of the
course and I had to slow way down. I still ended the course
with a good time. Other than my knee I felt great. I
actually felt I could have took a minute off my PR. / Pace 9:22 /
Body Fat down to 24.5%
Tuesday: Off today
Wednesday: George
Rogers Clark Park 5K Trail Run
details below.
Thursday: 5 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 inline / Easy 8:00 pace. My knee felt very
good today. / Weight Today 206 lbs
Friday: 3 1/4 Treadmill 1.0 Incline /
Easy 8:00 Pace
Daniel Shawver
Memorial 5K / PR 21:24 6:53 Pace details below.
Date: May 9th, 2007
Event: George Rogers Clark Park 5K Trail Run
Location: Springfield, Ohio
Time: 25:16
Overall Place: 9th
Age Group (40-44) 3rd
Pace: 8:08
Splits: 8:16 7:52 8:25 :42
My left knee was a little sore during my one mile
warm up but felt good once the race started. This was a tough course
for my knee, so I started out slow. There were very few flat
parts of the course and it seemed I was either going up or down
hill. After the first 1/2 mile I felt really good and started
to pick the pace up. This is the first race this year that I
was actually passing runners instead of being passed. I felt
really good especially for the final 1/4 mile. After the race
I Iced my knee and later in the evening I put heat on it. My
knee felt very good the next morning.
Date: May 12th, 2007
Event: 2nd Annual Daniel W Shawver Memorial 5K
Location: Xenia, Ohio
Time: 21:24
Overall Place: 8th
Age Group (40-49) 2nd
Pace: 6:53
Splits: ??
Felt a little sluggish during my 1 mile warm up and did not expect
to do this great. The course was fast with only one hill.
It seemed to be mostly flat and downhill. I started the first
100 meters a little fast and slowed down and settled into a fast
comfortable pace. The weather was perfect with no wind.
I met my ultimate goal of running a sub 7:00 pace. I now
believe I have a sub 21:00 in me since I was not feeling my best.
lack of sleep and 5 lbs heavier than I wanted probably kept me from
breaking 21:00 My morning weight was 213 lbs which was 7 lbs
heavier than where I was on Thursday, but 5 lbs lighter than last
weeks race. The winner of the race (Zach
ran a time of 15:58. The top master was Butch Bolton in a time
of 19:16. The winning female was Tess Black with a time of
23:41. There were 116 runners.
Total miles for the week: 32 1/4 miles
Weight: 206 lbs 24% fat
Knees felt alot better this week. Ran less miles on the trails
and added a few treadmill runs. I will probably stay under 40
miles for the next few weeks and run less trails. Hopefully my
knee will be back to 100%.
Week ending May 19th, 2007
3 Miles Twin Creek / Ran really easy at a 10:30 pace. No
energy today.
Monday: 7 Mile Germantown Reserve Trail Course
/ The course was dry for the first time this year. Felt
really good and set a PR for this course this year (-1:57). I
really didn't push the pace to hard and ran a steady pace the whole
way. My knee felt really good, but I still took the down hills
easy. I tripped on some roots on a downhill and went for a
face first slide landing on my knees, belly and elbows (Pete Rose
Slide). Besides the cuts I don't think I injured myself.
My left ankle was sore a few hours after the run. / Pace 9:25
Time 65:59 / Weight today was 209lbs (Up 3 lbs). Fat 24.0%
Tuesday: 4 1/4 Miles
Road Course / Felt good even after tough run yesterday and the
f temperature. Started slow and continued to pick the pace
up until the end. / Spits were 8:58, 8:25, 7:52, 7:05 /
weight 208 lbs.
Wednesday: 7 1/2 Miles 2 Runs / First
run was on the treadmill at an 8:00 pace. I was completely out
of energy and had to stop. After eating and several hours
later I was able to set a PR on my home 4 mile road course.
Splits were 7:55, 7:39, 7:13, 6:49. This was the fastest 4
mile run since I quit running in 1993. It was very windy, but
nice temp 55°
f. Weight 207 lbs. Body Fat 24.0%
Thursday: 6 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / Easy 8:00 pace / Weight Today 206 lbs
Friday: 3 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / Easy 8:00 pace / Weight Today 208 lbs
Spring Fling 5K in Miamisburg Ohio.
21:24 details below. Tied PR
Date: May 19th, 2007
Event: Spring Fling 5K
Location: Miamisburg, Ohio
Time: 21:24 Tied Last Weeks PR, However This course was a little
Overall Place: 5th
Age Group (40-49) 2nd
Pace: 6:53
Splits: 6:28, 7:13, 6:59 :44
Felt a lot better at the start this week. Lack of sleep again
might have slowed me down a little. This was the inaugural
race for the Spring Fling, so there were not as many runners
competing. The course was a little slower than last week's
very flat course. The course ran south and back along the
Great Miami from Rice Field in Miamisburg down to Cranes Run Near
Franklin. The first half mile was up hill. Very
Surprisingly I set the pace and led for the first mile. Even with
the first 1/2 going uphill I still managed to run a 6:28 split.
I knew I was in trouble after the first half mile, but kept the pace
up. At mile one I decided to slow my pace down before I got in
trouble. I picked the pace back up over the last 3/4 miles.
The winner of my age group passed me a little after the half way
point. He pulled ahead of me quite a bit over the next 3/4
mile. After I picked the pace up over the last 1/2 mile I
almost caught back up. I think he probably beat me by 12
seconds. The winner ended up with a time in the low 20's.
Total miles for the week: 36 miles
Weight: 206 lbs 24% fat Knee felt
100%. Staying off the trails every day definitely helped,
although the trail is my favorite run.
Have not lost any weight over the past
2 weeks. I know I have built muscle and I definitely am
running much faster. I hope to get a 10 mile run in next week.
My next race is 9 days away and I hope to break 21:00. I will
probably not be able to run Friday - Sunday due to fact that I will
be running my concession trailer over the weekend. Normally I
am to sore and tired to run; however now that I am in better shape
it may not be as bad. Who knows, maybe a few days off will
help my time.
Week ending May 26th, 2007
Next Race Is May
28th, 2007 Lou Cox Memorial 5K
Sunday: 5 1/4 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / Easy 8:00 pace
Monday: 7 Mile Germantown Reserve Trail Course
/ Because of the heat I really did not push the pace and held
back until the last set of hills. The temp was 85°
with 40% humidity. I felt really good and comfortable and
finished really strong. When the run was over I felt better
than I normally do after this challenging course and was surprised
that I set a Yearly PR for the course. This was the first trail run
since my knee has been 100% and I did not notice any hint of a
problem. It looks like I was able to run through another
injury. I hope my luck keeps up. / Weight Today 208 lbs Fat
24.0 %
Tuesday: 8 1/2 Miles Two Runs /
First run was a PR for my 4.1 mile Twin Creek Trail Run. I ran
1:30 faster than my previous best. This was also in 85°
and 40% humidity. I wanted to run a long run today but because
of the heat waited to run in the evening. / The second run was just
as hot later in the evening with the temperature at 87°.
I ran a good pace (7:49) on a 4 mile road run. Weight today
was 204 lbs and 23.5 % fat. Current streak is 14 days for 74
Wednesday: 5 1/4 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / Easy 7:53 pace. Weight today was
204 lbs and 23.5 % fat.
Thursday: 4 Miles 3 Mile Twin Creek Trail Course
/ 88° and 51% humidity probably
slowed me down a little. I still set a PR for the course by 25
seconds. I ran the course in 24:04. If I was watching my
watch I probably would have been under 24:00. This is a really
tough course especially the last 800 meters up hill with some steps.
Despite the temperature and tough course, It was probably one of my
fastest runs of the year.
Friday: 4 1/4 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / 8:00 pace
Saturday 3 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / 8:34 pace / Working concessions at the
Art In The Park Festival and will be very sore today, tomorrow and
for the race on Monday.
Total miles for the week: 37 1/2 miles
Weight: 204 lbs 23.5% fat.
Felt really good this week with no problems. Ended another good
streak of 18 days for 90 miles. I lost 2 lbs and .5 % fat.
Week ending June 2nd, 2007
Off / To sore to run after working 12 plus hours and little sleep.
Monday: 4 Miles
Lou Cox Memorial 5K Dayton, Ohio Details Below
Tuesday: 6 Miles Road / Ran a new
road course later in the evening to avoid the heat. It was
still 85° and humid. I ran a
fairly easy pace of 8:30.
Wednesday: 8.2 Miles Road and Trails /
Ran 2.6 miles to twin creek were I ran the 3 mile trail loop.
I then struggled the last 2.6 miles home. I say struggled
because the 87° heat really hit me
today. I didn't think I was going to make it but I did.
I ended with a 10:05 overall pace.
Thursday: 4 1/2 Miles
Treadmill 1.0 % inline / 8:00 pace
Date: May 28th, 2007
Event: Lou Cox Memorial 5K
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Time: 21:51 / 27 seconds slower than PR
Overall Place: 196th
Age Group Clydesdale over 200lbs 7th out of 72
Splits: 6:48, 7:11, 7:06 :44
The course is known as a very fast and flat course and I was hoping
for a fast time. I started at a slower pace than previous
races to see if it would help. I felt really good after the
first mile and thought I would end with a PR; however, it didn't
work out that way. At the 2nd mile marker I realized my PR was
not going to happen. I felt really good and thought I was
running the same pace as the first mile. For some reason I
just didn't have the speed to run below 7:00. I guess I worked
to many hours over the weekend. I felt ok for the 3rd mile but
just didn't have any speed. The race ended with a lap on the
University of Dayton's track. The winner of the race was Paul
Krebs in 15:35. The top female was Kara Storage in 16:45. John
Agnew was the Top Master and 5th overall with a time of 16:09.
Even though I did not reach mile goal time of a sub 21:00, I
still enjoyed the race. There were over 1000 runners and I
heard the event set a participation record. The race was very
well organized and will remain on my schedule for next year.
151.5 miles for
the month / 691.75 miles for the year / loss of 7
lbs & 1.5% BF for the month
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