Beginning month At 210 lbs and 23% body fat. I have lost 50
lbs up to this point.
My race goal this
Month is to run the Turkey Trot 5 Mile Race under 35:50.
My weight goal this month is to get down to 200 lbs and 24% fat. It has
been over 6 Years since I have been under 200 lbs.
Week Ending November 3rd, 2007
Thursday: 5.27 Miles Trails / Narrow Reserve.
Beavercreek, Ohio / 49.55 9.28 pace / 76%
Friday: Xenia
Wee Bucs 5k
Saturday: DNR
Date: November 2, 2007
Event: Xenia Wee Bucs 5k
Location: Xenia High School Xenia, Ohio
Time: 21.47
Overall Place: 1st
Age Group (40-50) Place: 1st
Pace: 7:00
Splits: 6.21 6.58 7.37 .49
course was not marked so the splits came from my Garmin. The
course was downhill for the first half and uphill for the 2nd half
(explaining the split differences). There were only 11 runners
who turned out for the event even though the weather was perfect.
The temp was 53° with very little wind. I lead the race for
the first 2 miles until an 11 year old (Dakota) passed me and took the lead.
The 11 year old boy would have probably finished around 21 flat and
won the race; however, he took a wrong turn and got lost.
Week Ending November 10th, 2007
ORRRC Trail Race Narrows Reserve 5.25 Miles
Monday: DNR
Tuesday: 8.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline / 8.37 pace
Wednesday: 7 Miles Trails / Germantown
reserve 6.9 loop / I started at an easy pace with and overall
heart rate average of 146 bpm. Yesterday I noticed that my
resting heart rate was 48 bpm. The hills really hit me hard today.
My legs were still heavy from my longer run yesterday. The
overall climb on this run is over 2000 feet. The temp was a
cold 42° but the trail
conditions were good. I had to be a little careful with all of
the leaves on the ground and did it well until the end of the run
when I went face first into the gravel. Luckily only scrapes
and bruises. Pace was 10.04
Thursday: 3.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8.59 Pace
Friday: DNR
Harvest 5K Centerville
Date: November 4, 2007
Event: ORRRC 5 Mile Narrows Reserve Race
Location: Beavercreek, Ohio
Time: 44.19
Overall Place: 40th
Age Group (40-50) Place: 6th
Pace: 8.26
Splits: 8.01 7.40 8.58 8.49 9.34 1.23
This course was pretty tough for me. The last hill was very
hard. I ran this course 5 minutes faster than I ran the other
day. The weather was a perfect 56°
with very little wind. My hear rate average 154 bpm.
Date: November 10, 2007
Event: Harvest 5K
Location: Centerville, Ohio
Time: 22:22
Overall Place: 30th
Age Group (40-50) Place: 2nd
Pace: 7:11
Splits: 6:51 7:03 7:21 1:06
This course was easy until the last 1/2 mile. The hills slowed
my last mile down. I think the distance was a little long.
My heart rate average was 159 bpm with a high of 171.
Total miles for the week: 30
Weight: 207 lbs 23% fat.
Week Ending November 17th, 2007
9.3 Miles ORRRC 15K Race Spring Valley, Ohio
Monday: 3.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:34 Pace / Low on energy today but legs felt good.
Tuesday: 8 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
/ Ran two runs today. 4.5 & 3.5 both at 8.34 per mile.
Wednesday: 8.75 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline / Ran two runs today. The first run was 4.5 miles at
an 8:34 pace. The 2nd run was 4.25 miles with 2 x 400 in 90
seconds and 2 x 800 each in 3:10.
Thursday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace
Friday: 3.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:59 Pace
Saturday: 6 Miles
7K Race Turkey
Chase. Centerville, Indiana
Date: November 11, 2007
Event: ORRRC 15K Race
Location: Spring Valley, Ohio
Time: 73:42
Overall Place: 71st
Age Group (40-50) Place: 6th
Pace: 7:54
Splits: 7:37, 7:24, 7:45, 7:50, 7:46, 7:55, 8:11,
8:24, 8:05, 2:40
This was my 2nd 15K of the year and the longest run of the year.
I felt ok until the 6 mile marker. It was cold with rain and
small hail. This was my fastest 15k race since 1994 and almost
10 minutes faster than the 15K I ran at the beginning of the year
and 1 minute faster than 2001.
Date: November 17, 2007
Event: 7K Race Turkey Chase
Location: Centerville, Indiana
Time: 31:02
Overall Place:
Age Group (40-44) Place:
Pace: 7:08
Splits: 6:50, 7:28, 7:13, 7:17, 2:12
I thought this was a very good effort. The first 2 miles were
uphill and the Last 2 miles were down hill. I actually ran the
first 5K in 22:10 and mostly uphill. The conditions were
perfect with the temperature around 45°
with very little wind. I set a PR for the Year for this distance and
the 4 mile distance. My last 4 mile race was at a 7:13 pace.
My next race is the Miamisburg Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day.
It is a very fast course and I hope to run around 35 flat.
Total miles for the week: 43
Weight: 206 lbs 23% fat.
Week Ending November 24th, 2007
Sunday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:44 Pace
Monday: 4.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:26 Pace
Tuesday: 4.75 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
7:59 Pace
Wednesday: 3.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
9:23 Pace
Thursday: Turkey Trot 5 Mile
Friday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:40 Pace
/ Felt really good today even after running hard yesterday.
Managed to keep the pace slow even though I wanted to run fast.
Saturday: 7 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
8:06 Pace / First 5 miles at 8:00
Date: November 22, 2007
Event: 5 Mile Turkey Trot
Location: Miamisburg, Ohio
Time: 35:52
Overall Place: 300+
Age Group (Clydesdale 200 lbs +) Place:4th
Pace: 7:10
Splits: 6:52, 6:56, 7:15, 7:34, 7:15
Good run today. I was hoping for a little faster time but
happy that I received a very nice plaque for 4th in the Clydesdale
division. The wind over the last 2 miles kept me from my goal
time. The temperature was 42°
but the wind chill was much colder. I was very happy at the 5k
point when I noticed my time was 21:45 which is not far from my 5k
PR earlier in the year. I have two 5k's coming up in December
and hope to break 21:00 or at least set a PR (21:24). I have now
officially been running for 1 year. My first race last year
was this Turkey Trot and I cut off 12 minutes from last years time.
Total miles for the week: 33
miles Current streak is 15 days for 81 miles
Weight: 207 lbs 22% fat.
Week Ending December 1, 2007
9.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace / Felt really comfortable.
Could have kept running but I didn't want to push the treadmill any
Monday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace
Tuesday: 5 Miles track intervals 8 x
400 / 89, 93, 92, 94, 94, 94, 95, 90 / 200 meter easy jog between
each. Jogs were 1:20 - 1:30 / 1 mile warm up and cool
down / felt really good. The wind kept the times down a
little. I will try 10 x 400 next week. / Heart rate high was
161 bpm.
Wednesday: 8 miles in two runs. I
was low on energy for the first a.m. run at 9:03 pace for 3.5 miles.
Felt really good for the evening run at a 8:34 pace for 4.5 miles.
Both runs were on the treadmill at a 1.0 incline
Thursday: 7 miles x two runs. Both runs were on
the treadmill again today. It was the opposite of yesterday.
The a.m. run felt really good at 9:00 pace for 4.5 miles. The
evening run was at a 8:34 pace for only 2.5 miles. I just ran
out of energy at two miles and couldn't run any more. I think
my calorie intake for the past few days was a little low. My
weight is down to 206 lbs and my body fat down to 24%. So far
I have lost 4 lbs for the month and 1% body fat.
Friday: 3.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
9:13 Pace
Saturday: 7 Miles 5K race
See December's Schedule
Total miles for the week: 44
miles Current streak is 22 days for 125 miles
Weight: 206 lbs 22% fat.
Total for Month: 153 Total For Year:
1265 Weight: 206 lbs 22% fat.
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