Beginning month At 203 lbs and 21.5% body fat. I have lost 57
lbs up to this point.
Week Ending January 5, 2008
5 Miles 5K Race
Troy, Ohio
Wednesday: 6.5
Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace.
Thursday: 9
Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 7:50 Pace. The last mile was
10:30. I ran the first 8 at a 7:29 Pace. Spits were;
8:00, 8:00, 7:53, 7:30, 7:03, 7:03, 7:30, 6:55 and 10:30. 6
miles were at a 7:19 Pace
Friday: 6 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace.
Saturday: 9.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
/ The first 8 miles was at an 7:28
Pace. The last 1.5 miles were easy.
Date: January 1, 2008
Event: Run For First Place
Location: Troy Ohio
Time: 21:59
Overall Place: 17th
Age Group (40-49) 3rd
Pace: 7:04
Splits: 6:35 7:05 7:35 :44
Good performance for conditions. The wind chill was 8 °F. The
actual temp was 24 °F but the wind was on the average 24-30 mph The race started downhill
with the wind at my back. I probably should have pushed the
first half a little faster. The second half was miserable.
Into the wind and uphill.
Total miles for the week: 42.25
miles Current streak is 57 days for 312 miles
Weight: 206.5 lbs 21.5% fat. Loss
of 1 lb. Gained 3.5 lbs and 1 % fat over the holidays.
Even with running 40 miles for the past 3 weeks. Need to watch
my diet closer.
Week Ending January 12, 2008
Sunday: 6.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace.
Felt really good today. 8 miles tomorrow will put me at 50
miles for the last 7 days. I have not run 50 miles in 7 days
since 1993
Monday: 6.25 Miles 3 Miles road
and 3 Miles Treadmill. 8:11 overall pace
Tuesday: 7 Miles Interval workout / 4 x
1 Mile / splits were 6:41, 6:52, 6:41, 6:38 with a 1/2 mile jog
after the first and a 1/4 mile after the 2nd and 3rd. Felt
really good. The mile course is an out and back with 1/2
slightly up hill and 1/2 slightly downhill. The 20-30 mph wind
kept my times down today. Times were about 20 second slower
than treadmill but I ran one more today.
Wednesday: 6.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:34 Pace. Felt great today.
Thursday: 9.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
/ The first 8 miles was at a 8:00
Pace. The last mile was 8:34.
6.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace. Felt tired and low on
energy. Wanted to quit after the first mile but kept going.
Felt better after 5 miles.
Saturday: 12.25 Miles
Road. 9:27 pace. Felt heavy
and low on energy for the entire run.
Total miles for the week: 53.75
miles Current streak is 64 days for 365 miles
Weight: 203.5 lbs 21.0% fat. Loss
of 3 lbs.
Week Ending January 19, 2008
Sunday: 6.25
Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace. Felt tired and low on energy
until mile 3. after mile 3 I felt great and had to force
myself to quit after 6 miles.
Monday: 5.5 Miles Trails.
Ran the same course as the race coming up on Saturday. It was
suppose to be 4.93 but I missed a few turns. Ran the
course at an 8:50 pace even running at a conservative pace and missing a
few turns. I ran this race last year in 54 minutes and believe
I may run around 42:50 Saturday.
Tuesday: 7.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:34 Pace. Ran two runs today. 4 miles and 3.5 miles.
Wednesday: 5.25 Miles / 3 mile trail
course 7:58 Pace and PR / 2.25 easy cool down treadmill. Ran
the trail course to test out my new Asic Dirt Dogz trail shoes.
The shoes are light and felt really good. I ran without the spikes
and they force me to stay on my toes which helps me to keep the pace
up. The heel does not have much traction and caused me to fall
on one downhill.
Thursday: 2 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 10:30 Pace.
Had Zero energy and could not go any farther. Felt ok after
dinner but it was to late to run. I will probably take
tomorrow off in preparation for Saturdays trail race.
2.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 10:00 Pace.
5 Mile Trail Race Centerville, Oh Last year I ran 54:13
This year my goal is 40:00
Date: January 19, 2008
Event: ORRRC BILL YECK Trail Run 5.03 Miles
Location: Centerville, Ohio
Time: 41:18
Overall Place: 37
Age Group (40-44) 9
Pace: 8:12
Splits: 7.24, 8.16, 8.26, 8.42, 8.16, .12
Good performance for conditions. The wind chill was 0 °F. The
actual temp was 15 °F but the wind was on the average 10 mph.
Even though I finished 9th in my age group my time was considerably
faster than last year. I ran the course 13 minutes faster than
last year and felt alot stronger at the end. I actually
finished ahead of many runners who have always beaten me.
Total miles for the week: 35
miles Current streak is 71 days for 400 miles
Weight: 205.5 lbs 20.5% fat. Gain
of 2 lbs.
Week Ending January 26, 2008
Sunday: 4.5
Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace. ABs & Pushup workout evening.
Monday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:34 Pace.
Tuesday: 6.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:00 Pace. ABs & Pushup workout evening.
Wednesday: 11.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:10 pace. First 8 miles 8:00 pace
Thursday: Took the day off and saw the movie The Spirit
of the Marathon. ABs & Pushup workout evening.
Friday: 5.25 Miles Road. Ran the Germantown
October fest 5k Course in reverse. The first mile was on
packed snow (poor footing). The wind chill was 10°. Mile
splits were 6:59, 7:06, 7:04, :43 Not bad for the conditions.
My legs were heavy from long run on Wednesday. Overall time
was 21:54 almost 30 sec faster than October's race.
Saturday: 2.25 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline
8:34 Pace. No energy today. ABs & Weights.
Total miles for the week: 34
Weight: 204 lbs 19.5% fat.
Week Ending February 2, 2008
Sunday: 6.25
Miles Track. I was wanting to run 1600 meter
intervals; however, after the first mile I wasn't feeling that great
and decided to just complete a 5k and quit. I wanted to see
how fast I could run a single mile and was disappointed to see my
first mile was only 6:35 so I decided to see if I could keep running
and hold the pace. next 2 miles were 6:59 and 7:03. I
finished with a PR in 21:18. Even with a 10 mph wind and not
feeling very good I still managed a PR.
Monday: 7.25 Trail Run. / Germantown
Reserve / Muddy conditions and 12 mph wind kept time down even
though I was running at a conservative pace. Elevation gain
was 2,345 and my average heart rate was 145. My overall Pace
was 9:35 in 67:44
Tuesday: 5.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 8:00 Pace. 1 Hour AB & Weight workout.
Wednesday: 8.5 Treadmill 1.0 incline
Tempo Run at a 7:20 Pace. I felt great and ran 5 miles at a
6:53 pace including 1 mile in 6:31
Thursday: 5.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0
Incline 4 miles at 8:00 pace and 1.5 easy. 1 Hour Evening AB & Weight workout.
Weight today before evening workout was 200 1/2 lbs Fat was 19 1/2 %
Friday: 4.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:27 Pace.
Saturday: 2.5 Miles Treadmill 1.0 Incline 8:34 Pace.
5 Mile Race Tomorrow.
Total miles for the week: 40
Weight: 200.5 lbs 19.5% fat.
Total for Month: 187.75 Total For Year:
187.75 Weight: 200.5 lbs 19.5% fat. Best month since
1993. Could have had even higher mileage if in wasn't for the
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